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Getting Started

Welcome to AppsOnAir, the ultimate solution for seamless over-the-air app distribution for your team. Whether you are deploying Android (.apk) or iOS (.ipa) builds, AppsOnAir streamlines the distribution process by enabling real-time sharing with testers and clients prior to submission to Google Play or the Apple App Store.

Simplify your app distribution, improve team collaboration, and optimize your testing process with AppsOnAir. Let's dive into how you can get started!

apiKey Setup
  • Make sure to get the API key properly. For additional information API Key

Step 1: Configure Your AppsOnAir API Key

To begin, you'll need to configure the AppsOnAir API key in your app's configuration file, whether for iOS or Android.

🚀 iOS Configuration

  1. Open your app's info.plist file.
  2. Add the following entry with your actual API Key and Application ID:

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🤖 Android Configuration

  1. Open your AndroidManifest.xml file.
  2. Add the required meta-data under the <application> tag:
    • Ensure the meta-data name is appId.
    • Provide your application ID in the meta-data value.
android:value="********-****-****-****-************" />

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Tips: Replace the placeholder (XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX or ********-****-****-****-************) with your actual API Key.